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We believe that the current trend in Web3 clients to make transaction parameters more legible or reactively catalogue malicious dapps to prevent fraud is misguided. Since social attacks rely on a sense of urgency, reactive methods leave users vulnerable and the burden of understanding the idiosyncrasies of various blockchains cannot be placed on users. A better approach is to prevent actions that can be dangerous to users and disincentivize attackers.

The One-Dapp-per-Key (1DK) model is a novel isolation mechanism for Web3 clients. As the name suggests, in the 1DK model one key is only allowed to approve transactions for one dapp without restrictions. This isolation prevents phishing attacks with fraudulent dapps and mitigates damage from compromised dapps by denying them access to data from other dapps. As an added benefit, the 1DK model enables automated transaction approval which is necessary to drive Web3 beyond financial applications (like games).

What Is a Dapp?

A dapp in the 1DK model is a website that interacts with blockchain smart contracts through its front end code. A dapp is identified by its registrable domain.

More specifically, when deciding whether a key may perform a transaction originating from a dapp, we consider two origins to belong to the same dapp if they are schemefully same-site. We only allow connecting dapps that were not served over HTTPS in developer mode.

For example, and would be considered the same dapp, but and would be different dapps because is in the public suffix list.

The rationale for using the registrable domain is that that's the unit under the control of the dapp developer. Further isolation would not improve security, but it could cause usability issues.

Embedded Contexts

As explained in the new cookie RFC draft:

The URI displayed in a user agent's address bar is the only security context directly exposed to users, and therefore the only signal users can reasonably rely upon to determine whether or not they trust a particular website. The origin of that URI represents the context in which a user most likely believes themselves to be interacting.

Therefore, we derive the dapp identifier from the top-level origin for dapps displayed in embedded browsing contexts. This also defends against clickjacking attacks.

For example, the decentralized asset management platform, dHEDGE embeds other dapps like Aave and Uniswap on In the 1DK model, the identifier for both the dHEDGE and the embedded Aave and Uniswap dapps would be This means that the key used for could be used to approve transactions for the dHEDGE dapp accessible on, and the Aave and the Uniswap dapps embedded on, but the same key couldn't be used to approve transactions when the user directly visits or

Preventing the use of keys associated with embedded contexts when visiting them directly ensures that removing an embedded dapp from a site removes its access to other dapps on that site.

Changing Dapp for Address

The user can change the identifier of a dapp associated with an address if there are only negligible native tokens or fungible tokens and no non-fungible tokens held by that address. This means that users can

  1. Create an address and associate a dapp with it later which is important to be able to sign up for off-chain allow lists prior to mints for example.
  2. Use an address with a different dapp if they transfer existing funds away first.

The requirement to transfer funds to a different address before changing the dapp for an address allows us to let users handle unforeseen circumstances while mitigating social engineering attacks.

Transferring Data

The 1DK model prevents one dapp mutating data that was produced by an other dapp, but sometimes it's necessary to port such data between dapps. SealVault offers two solutions for transferring data between dapps:

  1. Standardized tokens (ERC20, ERC721, SPL etc.) can be moved between dapps through the SealVault app where informed consent about the transfer's consequences can be guaranteed.
  2. SealVault allows performing off-chain signatures between dapps (subject to privacy controls). This means that if somebody wants to fork a dapp whose data is not in transferable tokens, they can prompt the user for an off-chain signature to verify their ownership and then copy the data to their contract.

Connect With NFT

Some dapps require that the address that is connected to the dapp holds the NFT that is the prerequisite for a mint or some other interaction. This is fundamentally unsafe as it exposes users to phishing, and the industry is slowly moving away from this model with signature based delegation,1 but many dapps rely on it.2

In order to support dapps that require that the same address is connected to the dapp that holds the NFT, we allow connecting addresses to different domains, but disable automatic tx approval and only allow limited transactions that we can guarantee to be safe, such as mints.3


There are two types of airdrops: push- and pull-style airdrops. In a push-style airdrop, the token creator sends tokens directly to a user address without any interaction on the user's side. In a pull-style airdrop, the user has to approve a transaction or perform an off-chain signature to receive the goods.

Push-Style Airdrops

Push style airdrops are compatible with the 1DK model, because they require no dapp interaction on the user's part, and the user can always transfer tokens from a 1DK address through the native app UI.

Pull-Style Airdrops

Pull-style airdrops check the eligibility of the user based on some criteria. Pull-style airdrops are compatible with the 1DK model, albeit with some caveats.

The eligibility criteria may be the receiver's address, or transferable or non-transferable tokens held by the receiver address or a combination of these. The address criterion is usually determined based on some past activity, like interactions with a dapp.

In a pull-style airdrop the user has to approve an on-chain transaction or perform an off-chain signature to receive tokens. Off-chain signatures pose no difficulties, as they aren't covered by 1DK restrictions (see this FAQ for more).

Pull-Style Airdrops w/ On-Chain Transactions

In a pull-style airdrop where the user has to approve an on-chain transaction, the smart contract may allow performing the transaction with any address or it may restrict the caller to the address that fits the criteria.

The table below displays the various criteria configurations:

criterion pull w/ any address pull restricted to address
holds transferable token OK OK
address OK* OK**
holds non-transferable token OK* OK**
OK: Holds transferable token
  1. For NFT-based airdrops, the user can use connect-to-mint.
  2. If the criterion a fungible token, then it can be transferred through the app's native UI to any address, therefore the user can simply transfer them to the dapp address with which they wish to claim the token in order to become eligible. We've only seen this requirement in scams and the act of having to transfer an asset to a specific dapp gives warning to users.
OK*: Pull with any address

If the airdrop is by the same dapp, then the 1DK model poses no difficulties (eg. users who used can claim airdrop on

If a user is eligible to claim an airdrop of based on their usage of and the airdrop contract of doesn't restrict the message sender to be the same address that is eligible for the airdrop then the user has the following options:4

  1. The user may transfer funds from the address associated with to a different address and change the dapp identifier to
  2. If the front end on supports specifying a claimant address manually (as opposed to taking the connected address as the claimant), then the user can simply enter their address for and pay the fees with their key for
  3. If the front end doesn't support it, the user can go to Etherscan or equivalent and call the contract manually.

The same applies if the criterion is not an address, but a non-transferable token.

OK**: Pull restricted to address

If the smart contract transaction to receive the airdrop can only be initiated from the qualified address, then the user can create an empty address for the sign up and assign the mint dapp to it later or change the dapp identifier of an existing address to claim the airdrop. Such restrictions are common for NFT-mints where users have to apply to be placed on an allow list before the mint based on some off-chain criteria.


How does the 1DK model protect from phishing with fraudulent dapps?

Here is a concrete example:

  1. A user receives an urgent message notifying them of a highly sought after mint opportunity at a slightly misspelled domain like
  2. The user opens the website, connects the wallet and approves a transaction which they believe will perform the mint.
  3. Instead, tries to transfer the user's NFTs to the attacker's address.
  4. Since the user approved the malicious transaction using an address created specifically for (that doesn't hold NFTs), the attack fails.

In general, any malicious dapp created for phishing purposes can only steal data explicitly transferred by the user to said dapp.

Isn't having to send coins for transaction fees to many addresses going to be expensive?

Depends on the blockchain. On chains like Polygon PoS and Solana with negligible transaction fees this is not an issue. However, on Ethereum L1 transaction fees could be prohibitive, but we expect fees to become negligible over time for all dapps.

Isn't having to send coins for transaction fees to many addresses going to be annoying?

This is a UX issue under the control of the app. SealVault strives to make this convenient and we're working on automation features to make this convenient.

Can't two front ends hosted on different domains call the same contract?

Yes, but transactions cannot be approved with the same key for dapps on both domains in the 1DK model.

What about off-chain signatures?

The 1DK model's goal is to prevent fraudulent transactions so off-chain signatures are out scope and not restricted by the 1DK model. See our privacy model for SealVault restrictions on off-chain signatures.

Isn't the 1DK model going to kill composability?

No. Following the principle of least privilege, a dapp should only need an off-chain signatures to prove ownership of data from an other dapp. Off-chain signatures are not restricted by the 1DK model.

See the Connect With NFT and Airdrops sections for more info on current composability patterns.

Can non-transferable tokens be used with multiple dapps?

If dapp creates a non-transferable token and a different dapp, decided to grant privileges based on whether the non-transferable token belongs to the address used for, that's not going to work in the 1DK model. However, if accepts an off-chain signature where the address holding the non-transferable token delegates its privileges to the address, that is compatible with the 1DK model.

Is it possible to have multiple keys per dapp?

Yes. This is a privacy question detailed in our privacy model.

What if a hosting provider that dapps use for their front end is not added to the public suffix list?

That is a security vulnerability of the hosting provider. The 1DK model mitigates hosting provider vulnerabilities by limiting the effect to dapps using said provider.

What if a hosting provider wants to use a domain in the public suffix list to host their own dapp?

We disallow that. A domain in the public suffix list shouldn't host anything.

What if a domain that was initially used for one dapp is added to the public suffix list later?

In this case the dapp becomes invalid and users have to manually transfer transferable tokens to a new dapp identified by the new registrable domain of the previous suffix.tld dapp.

What if a suffix is removed from the public suffix list?

We maintain our own append only version of the public suffix list to prevent sharing keys for dapps that used to resolve to different registrable domains.

  1. Eg. Farcaster, Delegatable, MUD

  2. Eg. Sunflower Land, Phi, Lens ecosystem. 

  3. The design for this feature is WIP. 

  4. We note that it seems to be common practice, at least in the EVM ecosystem, not to restrict the claimant to the message sender as evidenced by the Uniswap airdrop contract which is often used as a model for others. There is also no security reason to restrict the claimant to the message sender.